book online

Thank you very much for your contact 🌸

This page helps you to book appointments online in English.

Please fill out the form below and click the “submit” button

We will check if your preferred date and time slot is available or not. 

Right after that we will email you back for confirmation as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your time and cooperation ☺️🌸

Your Name
Your Email address
Your Phone number
Preferred date and time ( first choice )Year 年/Month 月/ Date 日
Preferred date and time ( second choice )Year 年/Month 月/ Date 日
Session Length
First visiting?
Number of Clients
Any questions or inquiries
予期しない問題が発生しました。 後でもう一度やり直すか、他の方法で管理者に連絡してください。